Ride To The Warehouse 2024 - Good Vibes Only!

I had such a fun time at Ride to the Warehouse on Sept. 28th! This is the second time I've contributed to the show. It was the first year for the bike building contest too! What struck me the most was the diversity of art and bikes this year.
I met people from all over the country, including another small town Wisconsin girl. (I meet a lot of people who visit Madison, but it's rare to meet another real small town Wisco babe, with a shared favorite camping spot!)
I also met some women who have been riding and building their whole lives, still keep active in the community. Crossing generations and home states, I love how inclusive the women's motorcycle community is!
I want to remind you: You're part of this too! On to the bikes and art!
The co-founders of Keep A Breast and Ride To The Warehouse!
Katie Loftus and Shaney Jo, holding up two very special casts. This whole show is a fundraiser for breast cancer survivors, Katie herself is one. Some of the builders are actively battling cancer, some have already kicked it's ass. Girl Power!
The first gallery is full of the breast casts and gorgeous photos! Greeted by Girl Power!
Silent auction items front and center our Falcon kit and this gorgeous painted helmet!
Beautiful bodies in all shapes and sizes.
The bears were my favorite, it reminds me of Brave. One of my favorite modern girl power movies!
Co-founder Katie Loftus pictured on top, with her Frida the Freedom Chopper!
I love Hondas. This little thumper really made me grin, I mean how can you not ?
So clean and classic. "Fuck Cancer" flat tracker for the win!
Good vibes only!
This print really does it for me! My birthday is a few days before Halloween, that might be why I love the spooky fun vibes!
The inspiration runs deep. I helped take down all these beautiful large format prints Sunday morning after the show. We lovingly rolled them up "see you next time ladies!"
Honda, honda, faster, faster!
All the V-Twins!
1946 Indian, Gizmo. Fully restored. She got 3rd place! Look at these details!
Clearly we had a lot of Halloween fans at the show!
On to the Harley Davidsons! All eras represented!
Modern Sporty chopper got 2nd place. Love the bat wing tank paint!
First place winner! Wonder Woman!
Accepting in style!
My favorite bike in the show, this 1977 Shovelhead. The builder is actively battling breast cancer. Shaney Jo is holding her sparking blue and red cast! A really sweet talk and lots of love to her.
Grins and smiles, share the love!
Original iron. The blend of old and new, how clean the restoration is. I could feel all the love and attention to detail coming off this bike!
Heart details! Pegs, sissy bar, and she even found a heart shaped tail light at the show! These oldies are a labor of love.
I only had a few moments to chat with this rad lady. "The carb is my favorite part!" "Mine too" she said, face lighting up.
This is the bike I voted for, by the way! She got an honorable mention and lots of love at the show. I can't imagine battling breast cancer. I can understand pouring love and sweat into a bike you really love. It lights up your soul! Nothing like that "fuck yeah I did it!" feeling. I felt it coming from this build in every way. I'm grateful I had a few moments to talk with her. A lot of people wanted to cheer her on and give her props after Shaney Jo's share. That's what this show is all about!
Sometimes I wonder what I'm thinking running Raven Rova on my own. Seeing how many 2-wheel things I can cram in my tiny parking spot and apartment. Then I have moments like this with other women who ride...and I know it's the right place to put my energy!
A really sweet moment. These two ladies were good friends with the women pictured behind us, Becca. Who sadly died earlier this year. I never got the chance to meet her. These two women shared their memories and friendship stories with me. I felt so honored to share those memories and energy.
I'm always blown away by the love, heart and soul in this community. I grew up around bikers and gear heads in Wisconsin; I have only had positive associations with bikers my whole life. About 10 years ago, I reignited my passion and found my own community of riders in Cali. It's changed over the years, still I have had so many "This was meant to be! The energy brought us together" moments it can't be coincidence.
Good vibes only! Ride safe my friends!
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